This was the inkjet printer that I had chosen from a large pile that as a class we disassembled and documented the parts that were in it. These parts were used to create new products.
This is an overview of all the parts that were in the Hewlett Packard printer.

Using the scanner glass from some of the larger printers that other students pulled apart. I used the glass to create a terrarium. There were many discoveries along the way, and as working with glass and kilns an immediate result was not possible. Often taking 2-3 days to even see if that particular piece of glass responded the same way to the previous piece I had been using.

Using the scanner bulb and only purchasing some batteries and some battery fittings I was able to transfrom this terrarium into a light emitting piece as well. This really fulfilled my initial idea of bringing the environment inside, available anytime the user would like to view it and portable.